international airways flight 405. it was on its way from fort lauderdale on its way down to venezuela. we were just looking on the left-hand side, there it's back, these are passengers that are on the tarmac area after getting off of that flight. we can see parents carrying young children, the mom right there carrying what looks like to be a baby and the dad in front of her carrying a young toddler. some people that do have their bags, it seems. there is the slide deployed on the right from the front of this aircraft, boeing 767. i was reported that fuel was leaking from this plane as it was on the taxiway about to take off and then a fire started. you can see if this were -- these are not under our control, but you can see under the wing there the charred engine and right under the name of dynamic, you can see the black marks. here's a reverse shot where we do see two of the deployed -- or