happen if you took some radio talk show hosts and put them in a room and gave them subpoena power. it would be a clown show for sure. >> i think that's a little unfair. >> no, but they would also -- if you gave them subpoena power they would also dig up spare bits of actually interesting information and there would be moments of actually interesting back and forth. and i think there was yesterday. it was just about 25 seconds of an 11-hour hearing. >> your point is the critical one, which is that what you're actually criticizing overall is the approach that secretary of state clinton had to foreign policy during her tenure. >> yeah. >> the decision that's she made -- >> totally. >> that's not a scandal but that is something that has left us with all sorts of bad situations all around the world. she's going to have to defend in the future. >> exactly. and have at it. you know what i mean? i have no -- i've got no dog in that fight. but the supposition here always is, and the tone, right? always is there is some smoking gun somewhere. that's when we got all these paranoid fantasies that she issued a stand-down order.