basically said something similar to you, what matters to him most is process and he would go along to agree to disagree with paul ryan on several policy issues as long as paul ryan is willing to compromise with the freedom caucus on at least some, maybe all, but certainly some, of your process issues. could you give us what you would say are the three top process issues that matter to the freedom caucus? >> i think first that we have a process that everybody agrees is fair, that things don't just happen in the back room with a handful of leadership members and then all of a sudden we're told this is what we're going to do. anticipate you all need to be a part of the team. i think we need a more inclusive process that works within our conference. and there's a number of ways to accomplish that. but that's probably the number one overarching principle, is that we want to make sure there's more inclusiveness, that people of both, you know, on our left and our right within the conference are heard in the conference and not just