were pulling out. and now tonight the white house has just pulled the plug on the whole thing for everyone because tonight the obama administration has announced that it will not renew any current drilling leases in arctic waters and they will not sell any more of them either. wow. this was the response from greenpeace to this announcement tonight. and i quote directly, "greenpeace collectively waves its kayak paddles in thanks to the president for ensuring this arctic protection." up this is big news today. we knew shell was pulling out. but they had been given permission. was somebody else going to follow them and try to pull off what shell wasn't able to do? no. we now know there will be no more drilling in the arctic ocean. at least -- in the arctic during the obama presidency. the arctic will not be drilled under this president. this one's done. shell failed. and the activists trying to keep the arctic undrilled, those activists won. they won. clear as day.