some kind of an agreement that could bring jason and other americans home and that's where i want to see the focus on those leaders to do the right thing. >> tell me a little bit about jason. >> he's a gregarious, fun-loving guy who grew up in california. didn't spend much time even thinking about iran even though his dad was an iranian immigrant until after he graduated from college. visited the country, fell in love with it, decided that practicing journalism, helping the two countries get to know one another better would be his life's calling. i went to visit him in june of 2014, six weeks before he was detained. he was at the top of his game. to see him and his wife arrested so soon thereafter and to see this nightmare begun has just been devastating. >> thank you for being with me. appreciate it. we're also following several new developments in syria this morning. the first one is russian president vladimir putin defending his country's military intervention in syria's civil