the fuel burning off. at that point it's just get out. >> not everyone can. the pilot of the burning plane is caught inside. >> the airplane itself is starting to spiral down to the ground. >> the broken wing is in flames threatening the skydivers. >> and your instinct is, you know, in the next second probably not going to be alive. >> the wing plummets with the skydivers who are also flying through the air. >> this wing is above us. we're falling faster than that wing is through the air and it's on fire, and there are other small pieces flying around us that are on fire. and so everybody's instinct is just to get away as quick as possible. >> including blake weeden, the pilot of the chase plane. >> i saw the 182 with only one wing at that point. i guess my first thought is what does my airplane look like. >> it has a damaged propeller and wing. he will have to find some way to