analyst. so, governor, i got to ask you right off the bat, what does the clinton campaign hope to get out of this particular ad? >> well, i think, first and foremost, it proves the contention all along that this was a political witch hunt. remember, there have been seven previous congressional committees that have looked at benghazi and a blue ribbon committee headed by a former chief -- head of the joint chiefs of staff, and eight of those investigations found no wrongdoing on anybody's part, including secretary clinton. so this has always been contended by the clinton folks to be a political witch hunt and congressman mccarthy just proved it, lock, stock, and barrel, no doubt, anymore. >> democratic congresswoman louise lauder is putting forward an amendment tonight to abolish the benghazi committee. her office says, quote, it's the first official action we'll see on the matter and the first time members will be put on the matter after mccarthy's statement. is she trying to shame republicans here who vote to keep the committee alive? >> sure, and she's trying to