that frightened her. >> our hearts were pounding. i had seen him clench his jaw and the little vein coming out here when things didn't go his way. so i knew he had a temper. >> a few weeks after he was fired, lane attended this self-help conference and book launch called "three feet from gold." here's a picture of him that day, taken with the man who wrote the foreword for the book. it was the same man seen with ginger. he took a picture with the same man. two weeks later, ginger would be dead. what happened between lane and ginger at that conference? do we know? >> not at this point. >> so they just met? >> they just met and started some sort of relationship that progressed to him moving here and moving into her house. >> lane moved to vegas with ginger and was living with her for less than one week when they met this woman. >> we're marketing a medical device out of japan. >> p.j. launches a health drink.