>> dozens of miles away, the two robbers, 24-year-old jeremiah mumford and 19-year-old william clayton, continue to lead members of law enforcement on a high-speed chase, never slowing down. the two heavily armed bank robbers have unleashed a fusillade of gunfire against police. >> i'm about a quarter of a mile behind, i've got more cops coming. i said, i'm just going to stay with them. so, i'm staying with them, and all of a sudden, a first round came through my windshield. the round went through the windshield, through the dash, splintered, hit my arm, and i just got really small. i just got way down below the steering wheel. and i'm driving and i'm yelling on the radio, "shots fired! shots fired!" >> shots fired! i've been hit. he must got a rifle, man. >> the wound goes through his right arm, but he's still in pursuit. >> i have my rifle out between