working their way down through the currency. when the barrels were full, they left, and they left about $3.3 million behind. >> when police and fbi responded to the robbery the next day, the only employee not to show up for work is vault supervisor david ghantt. >> david, you know that i love you, that your family loves you. my family loves you. >> authorities have been looking for 27-year-old david scott ghantt, guard and driver here, who the fbi now considers a suspect. we believe that you are the victim here, david, and we stand by you 100%. >> while ghantt's friends and family members plead for his safe return, the stolen money is taken to steve chambers' mobile him in a trailer park in nearby gastonia. >> imagine sitting on $14 million, and you struggle just buying your groceries, so you think having $14 million is going to be great. you still have a logistical problem of sitting on all this cash. what happens if someone breaks in? what happens if the trailer catches on fire? what happens if there's a problem at home and an ambulance comes or the police knock on the door? you can't hide this. i mean, it's stacked against the