overtime. he felt unappreciated there, and he started to see himself as somebody who might be able to pull it off. >> the team assembled might be his undoing. ghantt might be the one committing the actual robbery, but steve chambers is the ringleader behind the operation. >> there's a lot in this tale that owes to hollywood depiction of crime. steve chambers was a big fan of the movie, "reservoir dogs." in "reservoir dogs," the thieves do not know each other's names. and the reason for that is when the police come to get them later on, they won't be able to identify each other. it was a saturday, and david worked that day with a trainee, who obviously was very new to the company and did not know the ropes. david was actually relying on this. he figured he would be able to tell the trainee when it was okay to leave. in fact, david actually at the end of the shift, left the door of the vault ajar. normally, it would have been closed. the trainee didn't know to ask about this. >> the vault is a fortified gray room.