emphasizing, but his rate cuts are just so far off the charts in terms of revenueistic to thi be a net revenue razor. >> billionaire investor carl icahn says he endorses trump. trump says icahn would be his treasury secretary if he were elected. you also have grover norquist giving his blessing. of course he is the architect of the anti-tax movement, major player on your side of the aisle for republicans. >> yes. >> what's your take? do you give trump a thumbs up, thumbs down, on his plan? >> i think the plan is in the right direction. i think it is unfair to say it is going to cost all this money when he has said it is going to be revenue neutral. as a conservative i actually wish it wouldn't be revenue neutral. i'd like to see us not worry so much about the revenue side of tax cuts. what we don't know, you got to look at two sides of the equation. it is not just what the rates are, it is what's going to happen to the deductions.