plan that doesn't address any of the basic real issues at all. the only good provision i could see in this is he would not allow he says corporations to defer their taxes, which we've talked about in previous shows. it turns taxes into a profit center for multinationals that can defer. but the amount of money that we would raise would fall through the floor. of course that's kind of donald's style, you know, get your hands on the business, in this case the white house, and then when you don't have enough revenue to pay the bills, well, you know, you go to bankruptcy court, you just don't pay people. that's donald's style. in that sense it's consistent with his long business practices that i've written about for more than 27 years. >> and it also strikes me, let's talk about -- i want to talk about jeb bush's plans because the similarities are striking but also i love the detail of the estate tax being zeroed out. there is no issue to me that's sort of more clearly reveals the kind of class nature of a certain form of american politics, the estate tax which is paid by an infinitesimally