standing ovation, when he said that. so perhaps it will stick at least for a little while and people -- in capitol hill and beyond will treat each other with kindness. >> you know, the golden rule certainly did. also he said, isn't this what we want for children, talking about immigrant children and also about people trying to make a better life for themselves, isn't this what we want for our kids, a better life? i think that also moved people. i've heard that from two republicans who said the same thing. there's something to what the pope's saying there obviously i think there is. but maybe something positive can come out of it, because that's what i'd like to see. there is stagnation here, i think the pope was telling us be courageous, go forward, don't allow calcification to stay. go forward, do something positive. i hope we do something positive here. >> thanks for being with us. appreciate that. i want to turn to new york city now as we wait for the plane to take off from washington, make the trip up here to new york.