question about muslims, the first thing i remembered was john boehner who in 2011 was asked by brian williams, what will you say to the members of your own caucus who do not believe, who have publicly brought up a bill to say that the president's not an american? he said, it's not my responsibility. >> exactly. they've been trained -- >> they built it. >> here's this thinking i keep seeing everywhere in the wake of the sort of walker demise, jess, is basically people saying, look, there are four candidates that were plausible choices of the establishment, that was scott walker, jeb bush, marco rubio, and john kasich. kasich is not going to survive the primary because he has views that the base hates. medicaid expansion particularly. he talks in a way that seems designed to antagonize them. jeb bush has shown everyone to be a really not particularly gifted candidate as of now. who knows how that changes. leaving marco rubio, who has shot up in the latest polling in the wake of the debate. what do you think of the sort of mini rubio bubble that is emerging? >> i think rubio is getting a