him? at a homecoming rally down the road. there is a social is media campaign put on by one of the candidates, and you have to give it to him sh, he has been engag to go around the state to the hold the different events to go to the homecoming rally with the high school students. >> okay. and after that, where does he head? >> well, he's got the rally here, and i think that the question after that is we will have to see. we will have to see where the campaign stops next. i know that the campaign plans to come back to iowa frequently. and you want to compare it to ben carson's campaign who has not been here for a month, and he won't return until the beginning of october. and so donald trump is here on the ground, and if you compare it to other campaigns, he is is here with ted cruz who is a dark horse with a ground game, and hasn't shown anything in the polls, but scott walker is trying to save his campaign here in iowa, and he told kasie hunt