member of congress. so what is the strategy to go after donald trump tonight? >> i think that the candidates have to assume a big thing, which is that we have entered a new phase of the campaign starting out. over the summer we introduced all the candidates to the country and 90% of that was introducing donald trump. the campaign now has to switch to more of a focus on policy and proposals, more of a focus on the differences between the candidates. and they can't try to compete with donald trump in terms of personality or personna or anything like that. they have to talk seriously about, do you really want to try to deport 11 million people? do you really want to seize the oil fields in the middle east and appropriate their revenues from the united states? how are you going to do that? what is that going to mean? actual differences over issues are what aught to matter in the next phase of the campaign, which aught to be very good for governor bush. but also for governor kasich and senator rubio and some of the other people on that stage. all of whom are far more substantive than donald trump. >> so why is jeb bush at 6%