people and recognize that sometimes they might actually know more than you do. and be able to integrate that. >> gee, i wonder who he's talking about right there in terms of contrasting. do you think this is part of carson's appeal, jonathan? do you think humility could carry him to the white house? >> i think it's possible. there's a significant portion of the republican party that isn't in love with donald trump and isn't in love with the so-called insider candidates. ben carson's got an opportunity there. i think he's got an opportunity to try to peel some people away from donald trump who have been there because trump has been the most prominent outsider. i think there's a good strategy for him. >> betsy, in terms of what happened this week when rick perry announced he was suspending his campaign. who do you think is going to drop out next? >> look, rick perry is -- was trying to balance two competing personas. on the one hand, trying to be the smart, intelligent guy with