everybody is a proclaimed gangster. i don't have time. i want to do my time so i can restart my life again. >> conrad is an army veteran with ten years of service. this is his first time in jail. >> i found out i'm a pretty damn good trainer. trained soldiers. now i train dogs. at least they listen better sometimes. this is minion. he's a 1-year-old, a mix. living with him is like living with a grown man. farts, snores, takes up more room than i do. no more sit-ups or pushups in the room anymore as you can tell. there's not a whole lot of room for activities. >> if found guilty, conrad faces up to 15 years in prison for a charge of driving under the influence with serious injury. the charge stems from an accident he had earlier in the year shortly after he returned from his last deployment.

Related Keywords

Jail ,Everybody ,Curtis Conrad ,Life ,Veteran ,Gangster ,Service ,Ten ,Trainer ,Soldiers ,Least ,Train Dogs ,Lot ,Oman ,Dominion ,Room ,Living ,Mix ,Pushups ,Activities ,Sfarts ,Sit Ups ,Snores ,1 ,Charge ,Accident ,Prison ,Conrad ,Injury ,Guilty ,Deployment ,Driving Under The Influence ,15 ,

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