going to show it to you. >> all right. >> the faces on most of the bills have been replaced with images of goodell and his cellmate, christopher gonzalez. >> where did you get the money to make the copies? >> out of my discovery, because it's considered part of the evidence. so i took the copies off that and copied the copies. >> i think this one is my favorite. you admitted to me that you're the jack-ass that did this. where is the 200 dollar bill? >> i was trying to find a picture of you. >> goodell continues to bide his time at the bergen county jail as he awaits formal sentencing after pleading guilty to murdering viviana tulli, his 21-year-old former girlfriend. viviana's family thought the murder trial would be emotionally devastating. so prosecutors made a deal with goodell in which he would receive no more than 45 years in prison in exchange for a guilty plea. >> who wins? i win. because at the end of the day, my family can come and see me,