sidewalk. i went across the highway. i lost the cops for a little bit. just due to my erratic driving. mind you, the whole time i was holding her hand. but rigor mortis set in. it was like hard and cold, you know what i'm saying? so i get cornered, i went down into a cul-de-sac. so i'm like, you know what, i'm going to just full speed ahead. so i ran the car right through the roadblock. boom! >> mother [ bleep ]! >> don't you [ bleep ] move! >> get out of the car! get out of the car! >> as officers attempt to subdue goodell, they have no idea the passenger is the deceased viviana tulli. >> woke up in the hospital. i'm like this, prosecutor is also there. i'm all stitched up. i'm on tv. and i'm like, what the [ bleep ] did i just do?