>> everything was a fight. and, you know, we wouldn't be standing like this with each other those years. we would be fighting, rolling around on the ground. and it took him a while but i do believe that everybody should be given an opportunity and he told me he said never had an opportunity. so he's getting one now and i think that if he walks the walk because he's talking the talk he'll make it. yeah, i do. >> coming up -- >> why are you picking these programs? >> the program has a lot to offer me. >> paul abdul wiggins pleads his case to a skeptical staff person. >> i promise you i will not help you at all. >> then officers get to the bottom of paul dixon's breakdown. being irregular is the worst. get more fiber with chocolaty-chewy fiber one bars. feeling good can taste great ...are taking charge of their acrotype 2 diabetes...... ...with non-insulin victoza®.