on them and cussing. just a lot of crazy stuff. you know, what i call thugs. there's always bugging out, always somebody causing trouble in the cell house. >> harris is serving ten years for forgery in order to obtain prescription narcotics. it's his behavior inside the institution that keeps him in 220. >> i'm in here on like three assaults. >> in fact, just days before our crew arrived, harris assaulted an officer escorting him to the shower. >> putting urine in a cup, mixing shampoo with it, he was in the shower taking a shower, takes it and throws it in the officer's face when the officer comes by. >> because i was so mad. right? i just wanted to prove to them there ain't nothing they can do to me or make me do what they want me to do. >> i don't want you to think every inmate we have in here is raising hell and causing problems. but there is a goodly number