that seemed to be a concern for him. and that kind of touched my heart, because he realized he may have hurt someone and he was concerned about that. >> he kept telling us he was having weird dreams that he was doing these things. when we pointed out to him that they weren't dreams, that they're actual facts and things that he was doing, it kind of sunk in to him. >> by the time it's over, nick hadzic has caused thousands of dollars of damage. he's convicted with risking a catastrophe, criminal mischief, open lewdness, public drunkenness and other related charges. >> from what i recall, his bail was $250,000 cash. so i don't think he was going to make bail. >> he's sentenced to six months to a year in jail. back at darrenkemp's, it's business as usual, except that now folks who frequent the market can't forget the naked man who put darrenkemp's on the map. >> you have clothes on today. >> yes, i do and i keep them on. >> i'm waiting for a woman to run through. >> we have a thing out front, no