other kids to take notice and stand up and say, it doesn't have to be like this. this is wrong. >> as for sierra, the regret she feels over the fight may be the toughest consequence she'll have to face. >> why did i even do it? like what was the reason exactly? and like the school was asking everybody else, like why did they fight? and there's no even answer. there was no reason for us to do it, so i feel pretty stupid because now there's all this just because of a stupid fight. [ laughter ] coming up, customers go wild at a manhattan restaurant. >> i don't know why it got to that point and somebody said something to somebody. but when that happens, these things escalate very quickly. >> watch out! >> when "caught on camera: fury returns. except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications