know that. but even more so is the positioning, the expectations headed into the summer. scott walker was going to be the guy who bridged the divide between the establishment and the tea party base. clearly that hasn't happened. you have to think it's because trump has brought the base so far to the right that scott walker can't compete and he can't be -- he can't find a way to moderate that. as far as who we'll be talking about in the fall, i think jeb bush is in a pretty good position. he's managed to overcome, i think, or at least deal with, minimize, perhaps, his biggest hurdle which is not trump but his last name. he's done an all right job with that except for the stumble over iraq which was a problem. but since then and maybe john kasich depending on how he performs in the debates he's positioned to be an anti-trump. >> i'm writing you down for jeb on that one. jeremy, how about you? >> i think scott walker definitely has lost a lot of his luster. there's no doubt about that. i think if i could pick someone else, the sheen has kind of come off of, it would be rand paul.