robbery they had planned? was it a drug deal that the lieutenant stumbled upon? all of this is going to impact on who they might be and where they might have fled to. >> and clint, the fact that he decided to go on foot and chase three people that clearly he felt were up to no good being by himself, does that tell you anything? >> well, law enforcement takes on more than one on one all the time. but, again, that's a big challenge for this officer. did he chase them into an area where all three confronted him and attacked him? did they split up and one got in behind him and had the drop on him? there is a lot of issues here. we know he called for backup, but when you get into a rural area like this, it's not like a major city, new york, chicago where backup may be seconds away. in an area like this, backups could be minutes, 10, 15 minutes