his iowa campaign chairman left and went to work for donald trump. his campaign co-chair in iowa who just a couple of weeks ago he spent an hour with hand in hand, literally holding hands, walking around the iowa state fair with his iowa co-chair. she just left him, too. and she didn't even leave him to go work for the front-runner. she left him to work for rick santorum. rick perry is dead in the water. he's down to one last staffer in iowa. his presidential campaign is no longer really a campaign. it's like a voluntary club where they want to use your name but you don't really have to do anything. and the only real suspense is whether or not there will be a t-shirt for you at the end of it. rick perry is over. he is at 1% in the polls. jim gilmore, i'm sure, is delighted to have 1%. most people have no idea who he is and that he's running for president. but rand paul is tied with those guys. at 1%. which does mean he's sitting