we don't know all the risk factors for this guy, but he sure had too many of them. >> in my own experience, i've thought the boozers out there tend to be the worst begrudgers of other people's successes. thanks so much for your expertise. coming up, new apologies, donald trump doesn't stand down from his feud with fox news, and relishes in his confrontation with univision's jorge ramos. a new report says he's telling top republicans he doesn't plan on running third-party. >> and amy klobuchar will be here to weigh in on the nuclear deal with iran. plus, speculation growing about a joe biden presidential run as bill clinton is agitated by the prospect. will the vice president or won't he jump into the race? finally, let me finish with something really important. this agreement from iran to keep it from a nuclear weapon. this is "hardball," the place for politics.