working together and let him go. jonathan, you're still with me. have you heard anything about whether or not he was on the station's radar? he didn't get another job. he didn't move out of the market. so this is somebody who could have built up a lot of resentment as he watched former colleagues and their success on local tv, especially after the fact that he tried to unsuccessfully file eeoc complaints against two individuals. >> we want to hear more from the station, the general manager's given a very thorough explainer leading up to the dismissal of the flanagan and a lot of the problems that existed with him leading up to it. we have not heard that much in terms of what he was doing after that. you talk about the chance they took. he had left the news business. he worked as a reporter in several markets and then left and took a job in markets and then as you say this station took a chance on him bringing