others. your experience shows and mine bears this out as well, it's pretty difficult to get donald trump to answer a direct question. he has with me on several occasions but at the same time he's very quick to go back to his set of talking points that frankly are resonating with the audience he's talking to. and in many ways whapds with jorge ramos yesterday is something for trump supporters, it's easy for them to get behind. they do believe that this is something that where he was in the right and that ramos was being rude and that -- that's something that in many ways adds fuel to the fire that donald trump has started. >> to be completely transparent about a month before that incident, that you and i witnessed in laredo, texas, i had a 15-minute plus interview with mr. trump and asked him anything and everything and look forward to having him on in the future as well. thank you, it's great seeing you. >> thanks, jose. >> now to breaking news we're following out of virginia, a