florida international university. gentlemen, thank you. let's analyze a little bit about this back and forth that we've had. mark, this bounce-back is soothing a lot of investors, but is this something we're going to be seeing in the mid to long-term, these kinds of ups and downs? >> we're seeing a tremendous amount of volatility, jose. the dix was up yesterday, which is a volatility in the markets. i think we're getting a bounce off some lows that frankly the fundamentals of china with the european union and greece, with oil lead me to believe we're in a down trend and we're going to see many more down days before the year is out. >> so, mark, when you look at the future, right, you look at things that you should be kind of focusing in on to see about what patterns we're talking about, you're talking about oil, you're talking about china. what do you see as, for example, in china they've done something yesterday, they devalued their currency two weeks ago. do you not see them being able to control the bleeding in their