>> martin o'malley served as baltimore mayor for seven years. he then turned that job into a bigger job in the state when he was elected governor of maryland in 2006. in that job he kept his shirt on more often and he started sewing the seeds for a future presidential run. he signed a law legalizing same-sex marriage in maryland. he signed a law making undocumented immigrants eligible for college tuition. after serving as the mayor of a big city and the governor of a medium-sized state, martin o'malley, naturally, is now doing the next thing. he's now running for president, even if so far at least he cannot seem to get a headline to save his life. so at least for now, it's martin o'malley in that second tier of democratic candidates and it's lincoln chafee, but it's also in addition to those guys, it is one of the most interesting candidates of all from either party. a guy for whom the tale of the tape is probably the most surprising of anyone.