32 states have full or partial ban on food stamps. drug offenders are not eligible for pub lig housing but tide may be shifting. president obama is the first sitting president to visit a federal prison and called to reforms like banning the box on job applications and yesterday, his administration unveil add program that could be a real game changer. and i'm joined now by two of the people who were there for the announcement the reverend vivian nixon, college fellowship that gives opportunities and glen martin helping to aim to cut the u.s. prison population in half. reverend nixon, what is it -- the president, by the way, tweeted yesterday in his tweet launching a pilot program to help students in prison pay for college because everyone willing to work for it deserves a second chance. so what exactly is this policy the president was tweeting about? >> well, there is a clause in the higher education act that permits the department of

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Prison ,President ,States ,President Obama ,Reforms ,Ban ,Pub Lig Housing ,Tide ,Drug Offenders ,Box ,Food Stamps ,Sitting ,32 ,People ,Administration ,Announcement ,Add Program ,College Fellowship ,Two ,Reverend Vivian Nixon ,Game Changer ,Job Applications ,The Way ,America ,Prison Population ,Opportunities ,Half ,Glen Martin ,Hillary Clinton ,Students ,Public Policy ,Everyone ,Education ,Chance ,College ,Fact ,Department Of Education ,Clause ,Pilot Program ,Tweet ,Prison Pay ,Tweeting ,Launching A ,

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