enemy. they want to kill now. >> these debates are all about moments. you got to be listening when you're on the stage because you may only have an opportunity to respond to the crowd. >> this is what turns people off on television to watch these debates. it's all men this time because fiorina didn't make this cut. they'll come with their lunch bucket with two or three lines they've worked out. everyone will know these bicentennial moments are coming. if i were trump i'd say you must have worked really hard on that one. but they don't ruin it because meghan should say something or chris wallace, did you memorize that? >> i wouldn't be surprised if meghan goes after them. she's going to want to make the moments. >> i think roger wants her to make the moments. a great production. >> she won't want the audience to make the moment. she's going to want the make the moment. >> you can't sound like a robot. trump will overwhelm you because he's not sounding like a robot. >> but they are robots!