world. >> absolutely. he channels the unrefined id of the conservative base -- >> by the way, where is the republican id? >> i can't imagine. but the thing is the conservative base if you read right-wing blocks, if you read them online they're not just mad at the democrats in the media, they're mad at their own party. they're mad at the republicans for what they see as capitulating, giving n being soft losing to barack obama over and over again. they want someone to be offensive, they want someone to be openly mean and angry and to channel their inner rage, and he's doing it and ezhe's not going to pay a price. because the people he's attacking are people they don't like. they don't like john mccain who only got favor because he put sarah palin on the ticket. what is he going after? women? these aren't feminists on the republican base. >> the latest poll donald trump leading among american women. susan, your paper, is always to