the criminal complaint says suarez told an fbi source he planned to bury a backpack bomb in the sand and detonate with his cell phone. his attorney says his client is not a terrorist. we're just getting started on this wednesday edition of the rundown. later this hour john kerry heads back to the hill. you see the hearing room there on the screen. he's going to face pretty tough questioning about the iran nuclear deal from the senate armed services committee and that includes john mccain and ted cruz. the father of james holmes returns to the stand for another day of emotional testimony in the penalty phase of the colorado movie theater shooting trial. we'll get a live report from there out of nowhere, a 75-foot tree came crashing down on several children at a day camp in california. the latest on their condition and a whole lot more on "the rundown." you focus on making great burgers, or building the best houses in town. or becoming the next highly-unlikely dotcom superstar. and us, we'll be