he did beat him. and he beat him badly that year. he did worse as a proportion of the vote in that race. papi bush did not lose the presidency in 1992 because of ross perot. he lost in 1992 because he had a 33% approval rating. he would have lost to a chia pet. and now we are facing the prospect of another outsider somewhat hard to place businessman who doesn't play by the political rules and he might self-finance and run a third party candidacy against both the democrats and republicans. my god won't that make debates more fun. we're facing that again. what the republicans are trying to sell you about this prospect what they've been trying to sell you about this prospect forever what the beltway press today is eagerly repeating and regurgitating as if 1992 was too long ago for any of us to live through it, the story they are telling you about what it would