earlier tonight that said, quote, i have directed the fbi to take the lead in the national security investigation of this heinous attack on members of our military. as gabe alluded to there, the fbi special agent in charge today said that this will be handled as a terrorism investigation, in his words, until we determine that it's not. so attorney general lynch calling it a national security investigation. the fbi saying it's a terrorism investigation, meaning we're looking to see if it is terrorism. all that any of that means honestly in practical terms as far as we can tell is that this is going to be investigated as a crime, as a mass shooting and a multiple murder, but it will be investigated as a mass shooting and a multiple murder in which the motive and any nexus to international or domestic terrorist causes or groups will get priority attention. doesn't mean that those exist, it means that's what they're looking for. so far the national counterterrorism center says it doesn't know of any nexus to