you've gone from a guy who came here with nothing, right? >> yeah. >> your dad, who you obviously love, without a buck in his pocket. you're born. you went to princeton. that's a good school right? >> so i'm told. >> you became a great debater, you went to harvard law, united states senator in one big stump. let me ask you about this thing about trump. now, trump is out there still playing the birther card. i just want to get your reaction to some news in an interview he did. let's watch him again today expressing skepticism about whether the president of the united states is actually a natural born citizen of this country. let's watch him here. >> a few years ago you led the birther movement. you sent investigators out to hawaii to find out whether or not obama was, you said was not born here. >> well i don't know -- >> it turned out not to be true -- >> according to you it's not true. >> he released his birth certificate. >> he's sticking to his guns on that. on the day you announced your candidacy, senator trump also said that you were born in calgary calgary, your father was working up there, could be a hurdle for