law, how did you react to today's decision? >> well, first of all, let me say, i think josh really does think it's not a good use of tax dollars. listen, i -- i wept the night the health care act passed. i wept because i, as a young man, had a sick child and almost went bankrupt because of expenses that insurance wouldn't cover. and i couldn't change it, because she had a pre-existing condition. i wept again, today, because of all the people who have come up to me in the last few years, including a kid just this week, a young man who had hodgkins disease, who told me that it was discovered after he had -- he got coverage through the affordable care act and was able to get treatment. he said he thought he was alive today, because of the affordable care act. i wept today, when that decision came down, because i thought of all those people whose -- for whom the uncertainty had been removed and who will know now that they have health care, into the future. >> nera, i've always been struck by the entirety of this -- >> you and me both. >> but to the extent that there's a substantiative core to it, which i will try, charitably, to extract, it's that the -- that this was --