top ten destinations for barbecue but one restaurant did make it pappy's smoke house. did st. louis get shafted a bit? >> i tell you what pappy's bogarts, sugar fire salt and smoke, i would defy any city in the country to have as many quality barbecue restaurants as we have in a small vicinity like st. louis, missouri. >> i just did a little road trip through the south myself did barbecue tasting in mississippi and texas and tennessee. there's a big difference between dry rub barbecue and wet sauce barbecue. where does st. louis fit in on that? >> i always say we're in the middle. i call us st. louis sticky. you have more wet in kansas city, you have dry rub in memphis. and st. louis falls somewhere in between where we like a little sauce and you can see in the the dishes we've got prepared this morning. just a light glaze to give you the stickiness. that's the style i say we have. >> sweet and sticky in st. louis. >> so frank let me ask you, what

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Bit ,Barbecue ,Louis Didn T ,Restaurant ,Smoke House ,Destinations ,It Pappy ,Sugar Fire Salt ,Pappys Bogarts ,One ,Ten ,Country ,Central Texas ,City ,Missouri ,South ,Tennessee ,Barbecue Restaurants ,Road Trip ,Smoke ,Barbecue Tasting ,Mississippi ,Vicinity ,Difference ,Sauce Barbecue ,Somewhere ,Memphis ,Middle ,Kansas City ,Louis Sticky ,Louis Fit ,Morning ,Sticky In St ,Dishes ,Style ,Sauce ,Glaze ,Stickiness ,

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