school last week. besides worrying about a job, college graduates are very worried about the mountains of student loan debt they'll have to pay off. check out this poll. 53% say student loan debt stresses them out the most. that's followed by credit card debt finding or maintaining a job, then rent then housing expenses. graduates more concerned about student loan debt than finding a job. jarrett bernstein, former top economic advisor to vice president biden, also the author of the new book "the reconnection agenda reunited growth and prosperity." always good to see you, sir, thanks for being with me. >> my pleasure. >> the plain spoken robert de niro. i don't want to beep him out but our producers made me. what are the job prospects for today's graduates? >> well they're pretty good and they're certainly a lot better for today's graduates than for today's non-graduates. if you look at the unemployment rate among college graduates, it's in the 2% to 3% range.