readjust. >> nonetheless, two state beaches closed until now june 4th so this memorial day weekend spoiled and then some. alex? >> absolutely. and talk about spoiling in terms of the impact on the local business community. what's that been like? >> it's interesting, the pictures are scary and yet it is a small area. it's about less than eight miles of beach and it's mainly these beaches and so a lot of the businesses in santa barbara, which is 20 miles from here are saying look we're open it's not as bad as it seems in that small area. so they're trying to get the word out that it's not as bad as it seems. they're going to have an impact because people are scared away. >> thank you so much. appreciate the live shot of the beautiful beaches. joining me now, chris woodward. with a welcome to you, i'm curious about the company that owns this pipeline. what can you tell us about the

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