i'm going up june 2 to speak about this. people are saying you know, we see what's happened in other places. we see the debt displacement and militarization. do we haver more of oh that? boston is a city which has seen a lot of displacement, gentrification. for them, they might call debt displacement and militarization a tuesday. it's like super sizing the urban issues people are dealing with in boston. >> making it super tuesday. >> exactly. super tuesday. we have had ideas about baltimore and building football and baseball stadiums as a substitute for urban policy. are you see it all over the united states. the olympics and world cup is the same economic agenda. with the same lies, nefarious tactics but it's super sized. >> is there a way to do it ethically? people love the world cup the olympics. they have to be somewhere. >> i think there is an ethical way. the best way to do it would be