decidedly old school pretty much by definition, but they're committed to keeping it alive and so are working with their board to make the changes needed to have an old school amusement business survive in this modern world. a clear example is the arcade marty's play land. >> the biggest change is what surprises the kids want. so you know now we've got video games with ipads and itouches and that's what kids want to -- >> i can win an iplaid or itouch? >> there playing games. >> that is different from when i was a kid. >> but while the prizes may change and the rides may get a little scarier to attract the teenagers, the trimpers are dedicated to keeping this amusement park true to the park they all grew up with. if they have it their way, there will be another round of trimpers running this in the next generation. >> the land that your business is on is worth a lot of money. marty's play land the restaurant amusement park, is