>> jeff, thank you so much for being with me. i so appreciate your time. i'm glad you're doing well. thank you. >> thank you. i want to bring in nbc news prix deucer janelle richards who was on one of the train cars that ended up upright after the crash. janelle, good morning, thanks for being with me. >> good morning. >> so glad you're okay. describe what you felt and what you saw? >> i, when i was riding on the train, i heard a loud crash and i felt the impact. i mean, i flung forward and then back and forward again and back and i could see people kind of getting lifted out of their seats and i knew that we had crashed. but obviously i didn't know how or why or really what had happened. >> and janelle, you never know something like this is going to occur but did you sense anything previous to this crash that you described? did you sense anything?