that they have accumulated money, look so sort of out of you have to like mark said not like people like us. if voters can still find that. the thing is who will take the argument to her that she will be able to push back against. >> i guess the main thing is they just can't have unforced errors. they can't have bill clinton saying i've got to get paid $550,000 for an hour's speech because i got to pay the bills. i'm not being facetious here. or that say, i deserve to get paid $550,000 because sometimes i prepare a couple of hours before the speech. that's the sort of thing, things are tough enough, they have to avoid those unforced errors. because those do accumulate over the year and then when you're in a general election from september to november of '16, boom. >> they're thrown back at you. patrick healy, thank you very much. up next secretary of homeland security says a lone wolf terrorist could strike at any moment. we'll talk to the director of