for ayryana, who regularly cares for her brothers while her mom works swing shifts at a local factory, being away from home makes an already tough situation worse. >> i can't take it in here. three days being locked up, not doing anything. that's not good. after a while you start to get a little crazy. some seem to be so happy. it's like, how are you happy and you're in here? how do they do that? >> nationally nearly 30% of juvenile arrests involve females. sometimes the closed quarters and inherent anxiety of being locked up help create unexpected bonds. >> most of my friends are locked up right now, so there are a few girls that are good friends to me. like i can relate to them a lot. they're just really kind to me. just like me, i guess. a lot of stories. a lot of hardships. >> 17-year-old marie has a history of arrest for truancy