today, we hope not to have losses. we hope to go through this event like yesterday where tornados are mostly harmless. as far as mow, there's not a lot of bad weather. we go through the afternoon. it's starting in north texas, going to spread to wichita. more heavy rain possible. there's a tornado threat, but flooding is deadly. more die every year from flooding than tornados. it rains this hard many days in a row, you're going to get flooding. kansas oklahoma texas, wichita. we have the orange color, enhanced severe storm. s this is the next category of danger. red is moderate risk. this looks on saturday to be a severe weather outbreak. we could see not just tornados but strong tornados on the ground for a long period of time. they're called long track tornados those in our country's history deadliest and most destructive. saturday is a dangerous day. >> oh boy. that's really an alarming